• 学校概况

    学校概况“全”世界欢迎你! 新乡医学院三全学院是河南省唯一的医学类独立学院,是中国健康服务和医疗人才培养的优秀本科院校。秉承“全面适应社会需求,全面实施素质教育,全面培育医学英才”的办学指导思想,与“包容、开放、独立、自由”的校训,已逐步成为一所以医学为主体,文学、理学、工学、管理学等多学科协调发展,特色鲜明、优势突出的新型高等院校。   学校现有两个校区,新乡校区是新乡市的花园单位,平原校区建设项目被列为省重点建设项目,规划占地1400亩,环境优美,为在校生提供优质的学习和生活场所;学校教学科研仪器设备总值1.2亿元,各科类实验(实训)室177个,全过程教学基地13个,实践教学基地118个。其中,生物与基础医学实验教学中心是河南省示范性实验教学中心;与挪度医疗合作建设的5000㎡的实训中心为省内最大、设备最先进的国际护理培训中心;与东软医疗合作共建“东软医疗影像云地方服务中心”。   学校设教务部、学务部等27个职能部门,有基础医学院、护理学院等15个教学院(系)部,仁智、羲和、精诚、崇德、德馨、智行6个英式住宿制书院,施行“书院+院系”的双院制全新育人教育模式;学校现有专任教师900余人,其中副高级以上43%,硕士以上78%,外聘高校和行业、企业专家共200余人,目前在校学生2万余人。学校开展“早期接触临床、早期接触科研、早期接触社会”的三早教学改革试验,建立“课间见习、暑期见习、临床实习”的全过程实践教学模式,保证了教学质量的稳步提高,师生展现出良好素质与精神风貌。   学校重视对外交流与合作工作,不断加强与海外高校联系与合作。截至2017年9月,学校先后与美国、英国、加拿大等海外30余所院校及科研机构建立联系。与美国柯克生命研究院、海格思大学、韩国新丘大学、台湾中华医事科技大学、辅英科技大学、元培医事科技大学、义守大学等15所海外高校签署合作协议。对外交流合作平台的扩大,为学校的办学思路更新、管理理念优化、师资队伍壮大、科研创新强化、教育教学改革都提供了强有力的支撑。   学校每年选派师生赴外学习,仅台湾地区就有八所高校接收了近百名学生入校学习。获得聘请外国专家单位资格认可证书,先后引进美国加州大学戴维斯分校李明文教授,组建辅助生殖医学科研团队,开展相关领域的研究和临床成果转换工作并获得国家自然科学基金支持;聘请美国南加州大学应其龙教授为干细跑中心首席科学家,开展干细胞转换利用研究;聘请韩国新丘大学崔锡淳、文秀教授担任医疗技术学院口腔医学技术系主任、副主任,开展口腔医疗技术人才培养改革和高端口腔产品应用性研究;深化台湾高校合作整建制引进台湾教授、博士承担专业课程,大幅改善专业教师结构,提高专业教学质量。   近年来,学校以服务转型发展为宗旨,深化国际人才培养模式改革,积极引进全球优势教育资源,开展多层次、宽领域、全方位的教育交流与合作,采取多项措施,创新管理与服务,稳步推进国际化发展之路。2017年8月,河南省教育厅下发文件,正式批复我校获得招收外国留学生资质,这标志着我校的国际化教育获得新突破。这对增强学院师资力量,提升学院办学规模、层次、实力和声誉都具有重要意义。2018年,成功加入世界医学院校名录,国际化发展再上新台阶。

  • College Profile

    College Profile Sanquan College of Xinxiang Medical University, as the only independent college of medicine in Henan Province, is an excellent undergraduate college for health services and medical talent cultivation in China. Adhering to the guiding ideology for running a school of “fully adapting to the social needs, comprehensively implementing the quality education and cultivating medical talents in an all-round way”, as well as the school motto of “tolerance, openness, independence and freedom”, it has gradually become a new-type institution of higher learning which taking the medical science as its main body and multi-disciplinary coordinated development such as literature, science, engineering, management etc. with distinctive characteristics and outstanding advantages.   There are two campuses in the college, with Xinxiang campus being the garden unit of Xinxiang City and the construction project of Pingyuan campus listed as one of provincial key construction projects, whose planned area to be occupied is 1,400 mu and its beautiful environment could provide good quality learning and living places for students in college; in the college, there are teaching and scientific researching instruments whose total value is 120 million Yuan, 177 laboratories (training rooms) for various subjects, 13 whole-process teaching bases and 18 practical teaching bases. Among them, the experimental teaching center of biology and basic medicine is the model experimental teaching center of Henan Province, the practical training center of 5,000 m2 built in cooperation with Laerdal Medical is the largest and most advanced international nursing training center in the province, and it also cooperates with Neusoft Medical System Co. Ltd to build the “Neusoft Cloud Local Service Center for Medical Image”.   There are 27 functional departments such as department of educational affairs, department of academic Affairs etc. 15 teaching departments such as preclinical medicine department, nursing department etc. and 6 English residential colleges such as Renzhi, Xihe, Jingcheng, Chongde, Dexin and Zhixing, performing a new education model of double-department of “college + department”; there are more than 900 full-time teachers now, among them 43% are deputy high level, 78% have Master's degrees or above, and more than 200 experts from external colleges, industries and enterprises, and more than 20,000 students at present. The school carries out the three-early teaching reform experiment of "early contact with clinical practices, early contact with scientific researches, early contact with the society", and sets up the whole-process practical teaching model of "probation between classes, probation in summer vocation, clinical practices", as to ensure the steady improvement of teaching quality and both teachers and students show good quality and spiritual appearance.   The college attaches importance to foreign exchanges and cooperation, and constantly strengthens contact and cooperation with overseas universities. Up to (To edition 4)